Obie są Amerykankami, choć Christine przeniosła się z rodzicami do USA z Nigerii, gdy miała 12 lat.
Uczelnia zachęca do udziału w niezwykłym wydarzeniu w taki sposób:
„Christmas Time will be a presentation about Christmas in America and will include fun activities for the audience. The two presenters, Kayla Frey and Christine Obiesie, are native speakers from America. Kayla is a current Fulbright English Teaching Assistant at Lomza State University of Applied Sciences. Christine is a current Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Bialystok. Kayla was born and raised in Alabama, and also attended school at Auburn University. She earned her degree in Biomedical Sciences and Philanthropy & Nonprofit Studies. Upon returning to the United States, she will begin medical school at the University of Alabama School of Medicine. Christine was born in Nigeria and moved to the United States at twelve years old. She lived in Missouri and attended Coe College, where she studied Biology, Neuroscience and Molecular Biology. She is interested in extending her grant in Poland to continue teaching English, or returning to the United States to begin graduate school.
The presentation will focus on each of the girls’ family traditions during Christmas time and will finish with a fun activity that includes prizes for the winners”.
A zatem Kayla z Alabamy i Christine z Missouri, które pomagają w nauce języka angielskiego studentom z Łomży i Białegostoku, zamierzają przedstawić tradycje bożonarodzeniowe w swoich rodzinach. Zapowiadają też aktywne formy udziału uczestników w prezentacji, z nagrodami dla zwycięzców.
PWSIiP przy ul. Akademickiej zaprasza 13 grudnia od godz. 10:00 do auli im. prof. A. Jakubczaka.